Tattoo Terms & Conditions
Lic number 010267, 011383, 102721
All T&Cs listed below applies when TMD (Ken Taylor) is on the road traveling.
TMD Art Gallery Tumut is a custom Tattoo Studio / Art Gallery. We want to give you a custom piece every time,
we DO NOT, copy other peoples Tattoos (that’s not cool), do not have flash on the wall to pick off / lets get creative.
The Clients responsibility
1. You the client hereby release the Tattoo Studio, Kenneth Taylor, employees, contractors and agents, from all manner of Liabilities, claims, actions and demands, in law or in equity, which I or my heirs have or might have now or hereafter by reason of complying with my request to be Tattooed.
2. You the client willingly submit to these procedures, with a full understanding of possible complications such as, but not limited too, infection, catching a or diseases, allergic reaction to tattoo pigment, latex gloves and/ or soap, scarring, difficulties in detecting melanoma. Neither the artist nor the Tattoo Studio is responsible for the meaning or spelling of the word, phrase or symbol that I have been provided to them or chosen from flash (design sheets) or internet..
3. If the tattoo is custom and needs to be designed, the client will be able to see the design on the day of the session or earlier if the artist suggest a consultation is required (drawing fees may apply). In most cases, the artist will prepare the design in front of the customer, to avoid misunderstandings or confusion. THIS IS INCLUDED IN THE TATTOO TIME.
4. The staff has the right to Refuse the Tattoo design if: – in the opinion of the staff the design WILL NOT create a good Tattoo, it includes racist/ fascist/ OMG / homophobic reference.
We reserve all rights to all tattoo designs done by TMD (Ken Taylor), TMD Art Gallery and its contractors.
1. The customer is always informed and happy to move his/hers appointment to different artist, our staff have the right to do so.
2. The customer is always informed about which artist will tattoo them and will have a chance to view their portfolio before the tattoo starts. Payment:
1. If the session is finished early due to the client, not because of the Studio or Artist then the customer is required the full price of the session. If the tattoo is completed before session is finish the client will pay for the time taken for the service.
2. The staff will set a price for small work that will not take longer than 1 hour or longer jobs, Clients will be on Hourly rate that matches the Artist rate.
3. Payment for each session will be paid on completion of the service- WE PREFER CASH, but now have card options in place (surcharges apply). We do not do cash out or split payments, we like to keep things simple for us.
4. If you need to get cash out after your session, you will need to leave ID and something of Value in our possession. NO KIDS WILL BE TAKEN as Security, Children are not Assets they are Liabilities.
5. DEPOSITS ARE NON REFUNDABLE- deposit will come off total cost at the end of the Tattoo session, unless you are making Multiple appointment. The deposit will be rolled over to the next appointment.
6. Deposits will be to the value of the session time (ask the artist for price) unless tattoo is a small sitting (under 2 hours) the deposit will be $100.
7. Deposits under NO circumstances will be refunded. You can thank NSW Government and future potential Plandemics….
8. You Agree to terms with TMD Art Gallery not a certain artist,
if your artist leaves you will have to pick another artist within TMD Art Gallery.
Moving Appointment:
1. Our staff has the right to move the tattoo SESSION, if the session is to be moved more than 3 times by the studio, the customer has a right to request a discount on their session. Again no refund on deposit will be given.
2. The artist has the right to move your appointment in the event of a health issue or personal circumstances.
3. Customers MUST give the studio 24 hour’s notice via phone call, or face to face of rescheduling appointment or will lose the deposit. We will not accept text, email or social media messages. If you do so you run the risk of loosing your deposit. Note: NOT THE DAY BEFORE, MUST BE FULL 24HRS BEFORE SESSION!
Before Session:
1. NO PHOTO ID with D.O.B = NO TATTOO. Scanned or photos of ID on smart phone or devices is not acceptable. Only digital ID accepted is from the Service NSW app.
2. We reserve the right to refuse to do a tattoo on persons that appear to be under the influence of Alcohol or Drugs or underage.
3. Due to the New age of Safety, we ask you come to your appointment alone and please do not bring children. Our studio is small and we must respect Safety and health standards. NO HAND HOLDERS, you are tuff, you are getting a Tattoo, BFF can wait at home..
After Session:
1. Please follow the aftercare instructions given, apply the recommended aftercare products We can tell if you have not followed instructions..
2. Your artwork may need a touch up, you must pop into the studio within 2 months and show the artist who did the work, he or she will decide if a touch up is needed. This will be a free service (1 time only), but if you come in after 2 months then you must pay for the touch up. Please remember who tattooed you, if you can’t remember your artist we will NOT do the touch up..
Things that may be influence on price:
1. The Tattoo Detail
2. The overall quality of the piece
3. Placement on the skin
4. Size of the tattoo
5. Bad attitude towards staff and or business.
6. Bringing hand holders or Children
7. Discriminate against anyone
8. Technicality
9. Telling artist how to do their job
10. Asking for discounts
Thank you from TMD